Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012


 With Love to You 

With love to you... wherever you are.
My heart doth send to thee.
Rivers wide and mountains tall
Separate you from me.

Looking at pictures of you and I
Seems to bring you close.
But hearing our song being played
Brings you near the most.

I remember us dancing to that tune,
Under the shade of a tree.
That day in the park together,
Our spirits running wild and free.

Whenever I feel gloomy,
I think of you and can't help but smile.
Though it doesn't last forever,
At least it lasts for a while.

Love reaches out
Across the miles.
Love changes tears
And frowns to smiles.

Love reaches out
And eases pain.
Love brings the sun
Soon after rain.

Love reaches out
And heals our heart.
Love that is true
Does not depart.

 Nothing I see means anything to me
It’s something I learned in alchemy
Nothing I want exists in this realm
Cause to us the truth might overwhelm

Not all that I feel can be trusted
Except the journey that I’ve doubted
Yet it always seems to work that way
That after the doubt, the truth conveys

The road to success is same as to failure
Yet one has tracks more than the other
One has the footsteps of a few men and women
While the other is filled with mud and burdens

Come join the few who are paving the path
For a new generation, to take a healing bath
To shed the past and uncover the masks
Cause the answers await all those who ask

 I want to hug you soon ...
Take tuk accompanied my steps ...
But not right to me ...
And would I force it ...
You're still not mine ...
Not yet a beloved ...
And I have not become part of your life ...
Not to be the one who always fill your heart ...
Although I felt tired last ...
I will continue to hold ...
All the longing ...
And the unspoken desire ...
You're like a month ...
Glow lit the dark night ...
Seen by my eyes without a barrier ...
But you're tough unattainable
But I must endure ...
Because you've given me hope ...
Would love an almost impossible unattainable
Although I know it's not as easy as reaching tuk mu ...
Because what you want is not just me ...
Thou daughter of the king who yearn ...
Many princes and knights who tried to reach you ...
While I'm just a nameless soldier for you ...
Yes ... I do not soldier named ...
Not as strong as the warrior ...
No semenawan prince ...
Only a dreamer with a piece of poetry alone ...
But I'm definitely waiting for you ...
Waiting for an answer from my love ...

 For you dear

This is a thousand of poem that I write for you.
But I still felt that I failed to explain,
How nice you are
How beauty you are
How your shadow closing my eyes
How your voice closing my ear
How your heart closing my mind

So I create the poem in my heart
The poem that created by rhyme of love
The poem that wrote by the tears of happiness
And the poem that can only be understood by you

Love from the deepest heart 
 Lying naked on a rough rattan:
The rain’s a million tiny hammers
That drowns the purring of the whirring fan,
But not the geckos’ harsh machine-gun clamours.

Then suddenly the black blanket of the evening falls.
The dazzling day turns into darkest night,
And with it comes a symphony of strident calls:
Mysterious movements and mosquito’s bite.

The guttural cry of a lonely nightjar:
The faint and slightly sickly incense smell
That brings back memories brazen and bizarre,
Finally casts its soporific spell.

 The thought of being
without you I cannot bear.
Don’t leave me alone
on my throne of despair.

You’re my baby
in the manger.
Without you I’m
in grave danger.

The thought of being
cold hearted I cannot bear.
Don’t leave me alone
on my throne of despair.

You’re my baby
in the manger.
Without you I’m
in mortal danger Baby
 All I ever wanted was to be part of your heart,
And for us to be together, to never be apart.
No one else in the world can even compare,
You’re perfect and so is this love that we share.
We have so much more than I ever thought we would,
I love you more than I ever thought I could.
I promise to give you all I have to give,
I’ll do anything for you as long as I live.
In your eyes I see our present, our future and past,
By the way you look at me I know we will last.
I hope that one day you’ll come to realize,
How perfect you are when seen through my eyes.
 you hurt my feelings last night
you say i am too talkative
than you say you dont talk enough

what am i suppose to think afterwards?
i am homesick for all my boys!
you first because it has been the longest

but i got to work the hardest at!
in more ways than one, i might add!
the little guys require no effort at all

they just love me as i am !
always happy to see me and love me!
they are the sweetest ones of all!
 When I’m with you,
eternity is a step away,
my love continues to grow,
with each passing day.
This treasure of love,
I cherish within my soul,
how much I love you…
you’ll never really know.
You bring a joy to my heart,
I’ve never felt before,
with each touch of your hand,
I love you more and more.
Whenever we say goodbye,
whenever we part,
know I hold you dearly,
deep inside my heart.
So these seven words,
I pray you hold true,
“Forever And Always,
I Will Love You.”
 I love the way you look at me,
Your eyes so bright and blue.
I love the way you kiss me,
Your lips so soft and smooth.
I love the way you make me so happy,
And the ways you show you care.
I love the way you say, “I Love You,”
And the way you’re always there.
I love the way you touch me,
Always sending chills down my spine.
I love that you are with me,
And glad that you are mine.

I’ll save your lips for last

Start with the neck and move to your back
You like it slow not fast; I take my time down the path

I’ll save your lips for last

Kiss your hips and lower back where my hands meet at last
Don’t they feel like sand, you know I’m tough but you wanted a man

I’ll save your lips for last

Now I’m already at the thighs, where I’ll find the calves
My hands are playing catch up; I wanna feel every scar and scratch

I’ll save your lips for last

The lights are out so how can I tell, I’m kissing up a body I know so well
I hear you take short gasps, the rain outside is hitting the glass
I shift your body to the side, hoping inside that this lasts
Long or short you’re in for the ride, and I taste the splash

I’ll save your lips for last

My left is softly touching your chest, lips at your shoulder, back to the neck
You hate when I touch your hair but tonight there’s no protest
I must be possessed cause you’re so impressed, am I the best?
We’re both undressed and I’m so obsessed

Senin, 10 Oktober 2011

I love papah


Dengarlah dedaunan yang berbisik lirih pada angin
di sore itu, musim gugur memapas cemasku di sebuah taman
pepohonan meranggas dan daun-daun kering, serta merahnya daun maple
menyaksikan kita, juga warna-warni bagai kupu-kupu berterbangan
tiada yang lebih indah dari pemandangan ketika kau tersenyum di pangkuan.
Lihatlah bulan tak takut pada kegelapan
dibiarkan cahayanya hanyut bersama angin malam
selaksa puisi bersahutan di celah-celah ranting keheningan
memekik gemuruh rindu di matamu cinta yang tak pernah lekang
seperti rembulan di atas pelataran, kau menatap indah di pangkuan.

Karena engkau apiku
maka aku yang terbakar dalam cinta.
Karena engkau matahariku
maka aku yang terkurung dalam cahaya.
Karena engkau malamku
maka aku yang tak bisa kembali dari mimpi bersamamu.
Karena engkau lautku
maka indahnya tenggelam dalam hidupmu.
Karena engkau bidadariku
maka aku yang terpasung di hatimu.

Kekasih, terimakasih karena mencintaiku.
Membiarkan matahariku memeluk hangat dirimu
merestui hadirku di pagimu.
Membiarkan hatimu
ikhlas menjadi rumah bagi hatiku.
Membiarkan matamu
tempat paling sejuk untuk jiwaku berteduh.
Terimakasih karena mencintaiku.    


Kebersamaan Yang Indah

Kebersamaan Yang Indah

Tahun adalah belantara di mana semak-semaknya kau ganti dengan mawar
adalah hari-hari mengalir bagai sungai dan arusnya lembut lenganlenganmu
malam-malam mengembara dan kau bintang yang menuntunku
adalah waktu yang kauganti dengan detak jantungmu.
Jejakmu tempat paling indah untuk kuciptakan kenangan.

 Cinta Ini Berakhir Di Hati MU
Pelangi berkilau di langit jauh
teduh mengambang menjalin untai gerimis
gradasi warna adalah selendang para bidadari
yang menarinari digelitik angin bukit
dan kamu, yang turun ke dalam jiwaku.
Sungguh indah rahasiamu
semburat merah di wajahmu. Cinta itu. Di senja itu
pohonpohon waru berebut menjadi bayanganmu
lalu melukisnya di dadaku. Untuk kudekap
agar cinta tak ke manamana dari hatimu.
Jangan lagi kaurisaukan
cinta ini hanya berakhir di hatimu
sungai yang mengalirkan kejernihan jiwa
melewati rimba waktu dan padang penuh bunga
aku, yang selalu hanyut bersamamu.

Mencintai Tanpa Batas
Aku mencintaimu melebihi segala batas
tak cukup daratan berbatas pantai
Cintaku luap samudera. Luas membentang permadani biru
Gelombang dengan gairah ekstra, O indahnya gemuruh
tempat kita layarkan kenangan demi kenangan.
Seluruh rindumu kutampung dalam teluk
pelukanku, dalam liuk lengan-lengan ombak, arus sajakku
yang sejuk membimbingmu ke laguna: sukmaku.
Aku mencintaimu melampaui matahari
bukan cakrawala berbatas senja temaram
Cintaku doa pagi dan di langit malam
mengerjap sebagai bintangbintang. Adalah jejakjejak galaksi
berarak di angkasa, berkilap dalam munajatku.
Lembut ombak memainkan butirbutir cahaya
pada pantulan bulan di matamu. Aku di situ
berlayar tak kenal waktu.
Cintaku melampaui bunyi dan sunyi
ketika hujan berhenti dan sisakan dencing tetes akhir
aku genangan yang diamdiam menghilang lalu
mengalir sebagai sungai deras di hatimu.
Mengisi urat nadimu dengan denyut jantungku
Menulisi dadamu dengan goresan rindu dan asmara.
Walau tak selalu bicara
aku sarat aksara.

Aku bahagia tinggal di hatimu. Mengukir lembahmu dengan sungai yang mengalir dari telaga di mataku. Sebuah mataair untukmu, di tepinya ada mahligai yang selalu diterangi cahaya, dari jendela-jendelanya hanya terlihat indahnya pemandangan. Setapak jalan cinta yang naik turun di lembah-lembah romantika. Seperti sebuah gelombang di mana kita berayun menghabiskan masa.
Jantungku berdebar indah untukmu. Dawai-dawai yang tak pernah kehabisan getar, berirama  melantunkan rindu. Menggema nada-nada cinta merangkai simfoni kehidupan kita. Pada gemuruh air terjun, pada angin yang berhembus di daun-daun, pada kicauan burung-burung dan rumpun bambu yang bersenandung. Senantiasa kita dengar musik anggun yang menggetarkan jiwa.
Hanya kamu yang ada di hatiku, di dekapku. Sebuah perapian yang selalu menyala dalam kobaran cinta. Kehangatan adalah menggenangi pipi dengan airmata. Mengubahnya menjadi gerimis yang melukis pelangi di pinggir senja. Tubuhmu adalah selimut bagi jiwaku, aku adalah api perwujudan panasmu. Engkau adalah gunung yang indah, akulah magma yang membara.
Biarkan cahaya matahari jatuh di wajahmu. Aku bahagia memandang keindahan alam dari jendela hatimu. Serumpun sajak cinta. Sehamparan dunia dan masadepan yang menjulang hingga nirwana. Bukankah kuciptakan hujan untuk menghapus debu-debu masa lalu. Bukankah kubalut langit dengan pelangi dan kupetik setangkai mawar untukmu.  Dan sungguh, aku hanya mampu mencintaimu.